Live At Panorama Hotel
When we released Etazhi in 2018, we joked that for its 10th anniversary, we would play a live show at the Panorama Hotel. Happy it happened sooner than expected. Watch the full performance on YouTube and stream the album on all platforms.
- Тоска / Toska
- Чёрные цветы / Chernye Cvety
- Судно (Борис Рыжий) / Sudno (Boris Ryzhy)

Belaya Polosa
«Белая Полоса» ("White Stripe") is the fourth studio album by Molchat Doma, released on September 6, 2024.
- Ты Же Не Знаешь Кто Я / Ty Zhe Ne Znaesh Kto Ya
- Колесом / Kolesom
- Сон / Son
- Белая Полоса / Belaya Polosa
- Безнадежный Вальс / Beznadezhniy Waltz
- Черные Цветы / Chernye Cvety
- Не Вдвоем / Ne Vdvoem
- Я Так Устал / Ya Tak Ustal

«Монумент» ("Monument") is the third studio album by Molchat Doma, released on November 13, 2020. This album continues their signature post-punk and cold wave sound with an added layer of polish and production quality. The tracks feature dark, atmospheric synths, rhythmic guitars, and melancholic vocals, exploring themes of isolation, existential dread, and urban life. "Monument" further solidified Molchat Doma's status in the post-punk scene, showcasing their ability to blend nostalgic elements with contemporary sounds.
- Утонуть / Utonut'
- Обречен / Obrechen
- Дискотека / Discoteque
- Не Смешно / Ne Smeshno
- Ответа Нет / Otveta Net
- Звезды / Zvezdy
- Удалил Твой Номер / Udalil Tvoy Nomer
- Ленинградский Блюз / Leningradskiy Blues
- Любить и Выполнять / Lubit' I Vypolnyat'

Etazhi (2018)
«Этажи» ("Floors") is Molchat Doma's second studio album, released on September 7, 2018. The album is known for its minimalist blend of post-punk, new wave, and synth-pop, featuring deep basslines, atmospheric synths, and rhythmic guitars. The Russian-language vocals explore themes of urban desolation and existential angst, creating a dark and nostalgic atmosphere. "Etazhi" was critically acclaimed and recognized as one of the best albums of the decade by Post-Punk.com.
- На дне / Na dne
- Танцевать / Tancevat'
- Фильмы / Filmy
- Волны / Volny
- Тоска / Toska
- Прогноз / Prognoz
- Судно (Борис Рыжий) / Sudno (Boris Ryzhy)
- Коммерсанты / Kommersanty
- Клетка / Kletka

S krish nashih domov (album 2017)
«С крыш наших домов» ("From the Roofs of Our Houses") is the debut album by Belarusian post-punk band Molchat Doma, released on April 24, 2017. The album features a minimalist blend of post-punk and cold wave, characterized by deep basslines, lo-fi synths, and rhythmic guitars.
- Дома Молчат / Doma Molchat
- Крыши / Kryshi
- Люди Надоели / Ludi Nadoeli
- Машина Работает / Mashina Rabotaet
- Необычный Человек / Neobychniy Chelovek
- Прятки / Pryatki
- Технология / Technologia
- Тишина / Tishina
- Я Не Коммунист / Ya Ne Kommunist